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Results 1501 - 1530 of 1848

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Prices quoted in bond. For all enquiries and orders, please email us at

Size Cs Bt GBP Price
Per Actions Score
2014 Barolo Pira, Roagna, Luca 6x75cl 1 - £500 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2010 Barolo La Serra, Roberto Voerzio 6x75cl 2 - £650 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 96 AG 96 - - -
2016 Barbaresco Cotta, Rocca, Albino 6x75cl 9 - £265 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 94 ML 94 - 94 -
2001 Barolo Bric del Fiasc, Scavino 1x300cl - 1 £300 BT (1) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2015 Barbaresco Masseria, Vietti 6x75cl 1 - £270 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 94+ ML 92 - - -
2015 Barolo Brunate, Vietti 6x75cl 1 - £760 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 93+ AG 93 - 95 -
2019 Barolo Cerequio, Vietti 1x150cl 1 - £0 BT (1) [Add to shopping basket] 98 AG 98 - - -
2018 Barolo Lazzarito, Vietti 3x75cl 1 - £365 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] 96+ ML - - - -
2015 Barolo Ravera, Vietti 6x75cl 2 - £770 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 96 ML 95 - 95 -
2018 Barolo Rocche Di Castiglione, Vietti 3x75cl 1 - £390 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] 97+ ML - - - -
2017 Barolo Rocche Di Castiglione, Vietti 6x75cl 2 - £725 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 96 ML 96 - - -
2009 Barolo Villero Riserva, Vietti 3x75cl 1 - £960 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2011 Voerzio Assortment 12 Bt (6 Rocche, 4 Serra, 2 Brunate), Voerzio, Roberto 12x75cl 1 - £1,340 CS (12) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2013 Montevetrano 6x75cl 1 - £210 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 96 JS - - - -
2007 Montevetrano 6x75cl 2 - £210 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 95 AG - - - -
2008 Cabernet Franc Cifra, Duemani 6x75cl 4 - £140 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2006 Cabernet Franc Cifra, Duemani 6x75cl 2 - £140 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2008 Syrah Suisassi, Duemani 6x75cl 2 - £270 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 95 AG - - - -
2019 Barolo Falletto Vigna Le Rocche, Giacosa, Bruno 6x75cl 1 - £820 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2013 Calestaia, Roccapesta 6x75cl 1 - £160 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2017 San Leonardo, Tenuta San Leonardo 6x75cl 8 - £340 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 95 ML - - - -
2016 Bocca Di Lupo, Castel del Monte, Puglia, Tormaresca (Antinori) 6x75cl 3 - £270 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 95 Dec - - - -
2015 Bollinger Grande Annee Rose, Bollinger 6x75cl 5 - £750 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
NV Les Maillons Rose De Saignee Extra Brut, Collin, Ulysse (Base 2016 - Cellars 2017) 3x75cl 1 - £1,250 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] 96 AG 96 - - -
2004 Dom Perignon Rose, Dom Perignon 3x75cl 1 - £780 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2000 Dom Perignon Rosé P2, Dom Perignon 1x75cl 2 - £1,150 BT (1) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2005 Dom Perignon Rose Tokujin Yoshioka, Dom Perignon 3x75cl 6 - £1,150 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2008 Gosset Celebris Rosé, Gosset 6x75cl 3 - £650 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
NV Krug Rose Edition 17, Krug 1x75cl - 1 £650 CS (1) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2002 Pol Roger Rose, Pol Roger 6x75cl 1 - £590 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -

Results 1501 - 1530 of 1848

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