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Prices quoted in bond. For all enquiries and orders, please email us at

Size Cs Bt GBP Price
Per Actions Score
2022 Beausejour Becot 6x75cl 3 - £380 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 98-100 AG - - - -
2020 Beausejour Becot 6x75cl 10 - £215 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 97 AG - 95-97 96-97 -
2019 Beausejour Becot 6x75cl 11 - £260 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 96 AG - - - -
2018 Beausejour Becot 6x75cl 14 - £250 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 96 + JD - 94 96 -
2020 Belair Monange 6x75cl 2 - £530 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 98 AG - 95-97 - -
2019 Belair Monange 6x75cl 4 - £520 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 97 NM 95-97 96-98 96-97 -
2009 Belgrave 12x75cl 8 - £330 CS (12) [Add to shopping basket] 89 RP - - 90 -
2016 Bellevue 6x75cl 2 - £175 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 97-98 JS - - - -
2016 Bellevue Mondotte 6x75cl 2 - £450 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2008 Bellevue Mondotte 12x75cl 1 - £720 CS (12) [Add to shopping basket] 95 RP - - 89-92 -
2003 Bellevue Mondotte 12x75cl 1 - £1,900 CS (12) [Add to shopping basket] 98 RP - - - -
2020 Berliquet 6x75cl 18 - £135 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 95-96 JS 89-91 94-96 - -
2018 Berliquet 12x75cl 5 - £280 CS (12) [Add to shopping basket] 93-96 JD 90-93 93-95 94-95 -
2023 Beychevelle 6x75cl 8 - £359 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 94-96 AG - - - -
2022 Beychevelle 6x75cl 1 - £430 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 95-97 NM - - - -
2022 Beychevelle 3x75cl 1 - £215 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] 95-97 NM 94-96 - - -
2021 Beychevelle 6x75cl 2 - £365 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 94 AG - - - -
2020 Beychevelle 6x75cl 3 - £380 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 97 JD 94-96 94-96 94-95 -
2019 Beychevelle 6x75cl 3 - £395 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 96 NM 92-94 - 93-94 -
2018 Beychevelle 12x75cl 1 - £760 CS (12) [Add to shopping basket] 94-96+ LPB 93-96 94-96 94 -
2008 Beychevelle 6x75cl 1 - £440 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 92 NM - - - -
2002 Beychevelle 12x75cl - 1 £75 BT (1) [Add to shopping basket] 91 JA - - - -
2001 Beychevelle 12x75cl 1 - £1,180 CS (12) [Add to shopping basket] 92 NM - - 85 -
2008 Blason de l'Evangile (2nd wine of Evangile) 12x75cl 1 - £500 CS (12) [Add to shopping basket] 90 WS - - - -
2020 Bourgneuf 6x75cl 10 - £220 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 94 AG 92-94 - - -
2020 Branaire Ducru 12x75cl 1 - £335 CS (12) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2018 Branaire Ducru 6x75cl 13 - £185 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 97 JS 93-96 92-94 97 -
2018 Branaire Ducru 12x75cl 1 - £425 CS (12) [Add to shopping basket] 97 JS - - - -
2022 Brane Cantenac 6x75cl 5 - £360 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 97 AG - - - -
2021 Brane Cantenac 6x75cl 1 - £282 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 95 AG - - - -

Results 31 - 60 of 1847

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